Lifestyle Family Session | Shively from Miranda Mirsec on Vimeo.
My love for this family well exceeds any words I could possible share about the experience of documenting their life story. I've had the privilage of being invited along for the ride for some time now, and if you peruse my blog you will see more of their family milestons. The slideshow above is of baby Vera's newborn photography session, and although at first you may question my choice in songs...I must share with you the reason behind this choice. As you will see some of the images of this beautiful family were taken in the master bedroom while the girls jumped and played with mom and dad on the family bed. While photographing these moments I took a step back just outside the door frame and this song started to play. The emotion it evoked in me was tremendous as I realized I was outside looking in at life...their life unfolding before my eyes, moment by moment. This as they say "is as good as it gets"....THIS is what hopes and dreams are made of.....pure, sweet and simple AND I not only was seeing it but documenting it for them. Theirs to keep forever!
A couple of weeks later I shared my experience with them over dinner and they were blown away at the coincidence and significance of this particular song. Below are a few birth highlights AND the reason why this song means so much to them.
What Cherise had to say:
This song brought me great peace during my preganancy and I vividly remember it playing twice during my labor. When I heard it both times it grounded me and made me take in the very special moments I was experiencing at that time. In a way it slowed down time and I remember looking around the room and feeling so blessed and loved (even during contractions). It took away any intense sensation I was feeling physically and let me feel the spiritual greatness that was in my bedroom at the moment. I still play it daily and it brings back all the same feelings and emotions, Vera even seems to calm down when I listen to it. :)
I find it very special that it came on during our photo session with Miranda and that she also felt a connection to it! I had a special song for each of the girls during their pregnancy and birth...this one must be Vera's song :)