Today was quite a day!... As many of you know I volunteer for NILMDTS an organization that provides the gift of professional photography to parents suffering the loss of a child. I had just completed a session at the hospital and was working my way through the maze of halls in hopes to find my way back to the hospital exit, when to my most wonderful surprise I run into Chris (of awesome Vivian & Chris-whos wedding I did last year) and who also happen to have a baby at the hospital last night :) Chris and Donna (Chris's mom) were just walking out of the room Vivian and baby Henry were EXCITED was I not only to get to see them but also incredibly grateful at their gift to invite me in to catch a sneak peak of baby Henry. Seeing Henry blessed me without measure and turned my tears of sadness into tears of gladness! BOY! did I need that gift right then....Thank you sweet Bigelow family....I love you all so very much! Can't wait for Henry's official newborn session. In the meantime enjoy these quick few :)