I have thought a lot about what I would say in regards to Grayson's birth experience and what I can say is...there are no words that can express
such a miracle. Thank you Drake and Casey for allowing me the privilege of such intimate and precious moments!
Grayson, I love you from the start.
Casey shares her thoughts:
Being a first time mom, I was very nervous about the birthing process. Luckily, I had my sister, husband and amazing photographer friend in the room with me to keep me calm and give me strength and comfort. It was an amazing experience to share and I felt very blessed with how smooth everything went. I like to believe that my mom was watching over me and was making sure everything went beautifully. Once Grayson was set on my chest I was in disbelief and finally knew the feeling that so many had tried to describe to me but couldn't quite put into words. Just as my sister had explained it, my heart was now outside my body and I knew I was never going to get it back.